LinkNYC: how to get FREE wifi, calls and USB charging ports (New York City)

Published: 05/15/2023 0002.6

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*All product links are located at the end of the article.

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If you ever travel to New York City, you are going to see towers like this provided by “Link NYC” (pic 1).  These towers provide free services that you may find useful.  They are all over New York City near populated areas (pic 2).  

photo 1

photo 2

You can find the closest one to you by going to their website (pic 3).  This is the touch-screen and the control panel over here (pic 4).  

photo 3

photo 4

It has two USB charging ports at the bottom (pic 5).  Touch the screen to log in, choose your language.  The options here are self-explanatory (pic 6).

photo 5

photo 6

Some of the free services include phone calls, map, police assistant and Wi-Fi.  I hope you found my article useful.  I wish you have a good day, bye!

Amazon Associate Affiliated Links: 

(I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you if you buy through my links.)

(1) AAA batteries

(2) Micro USB charging cable

(3) Large capacity power bank

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