How to get warnings for police, speed and red light cameras. (Waze app)

Published: 05/23/2023 0002.7

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This is how you can tell if there’s speed camera, police or red light camera ahead of you.  First download the free app “Waze” to your smartphone. Depending on your settings, this app will give you both visual and voice warning for speed camera, police, red light camera, construction, hazard (e.g. flooding),  object on road, car accident, car stopped, and pothole.   Waze users help each other by reporting or confirming the warnings.Another great feature is speed monitoring for your vehicle.  My voice warning triggered when my driving speed is 5 miles over the limit. Please remember that it takes some time for NEW installed cameras to update to the app and not all events, such as police, will be reported to the app, so be careful.  I hope you find my information useful.  I wish you have a good day, bye. 

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(1) AAA batteries

(2) Micro USB charging cable

(3) Large capacity power bank

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