(Citi Bike 5/5) My experience with CitiBike: WARNINGS, tips and tricks!

Published: 10/17/2023 0001.9

*Click the link to view the video: https://youtu.be/EQ1gCX-fRHQ

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Welcome to Part 5 which is the last part of our Citibike video series. In this video, I'll share all the tips, tricks, and warnings about Citibike, based on my extensive personal experience. Having ridden Citibike nearly every day since 2022, there are insights I wish I had known before joining, and I'm here to pass them on to you. Pay particular attention to the final tip, as it could spare you over $1,000 in fines.

Firstly, remember that not all bikes are created equal. While you're aware of classic and electric bikes, did you know there are variations among classic bikes? My personal preference is for the classic bike with a U-adjustment locking mechanism and a small front basket. These bikes are the lightest and have easily adjustable seat heights. For more on bike selection, refer to my discussions in the part 4 of the Citibike series.

Secondly, always check the number of empty docks at your destination before setting off, especially if you're in a hurry. Imagine racing to a station only to find no empty dock for your bike. To avoid this, I recommend selecting stations with at least 3 empty docks.

Thirdly, ensure the station you're aiming for is online. Offline stations can not accept bike returns. To check a station's status, open the Citibike app, click on the station, and check if the relevant information is displayed.

Fourthly, don't panic if the docking station is higher than the bike and the connection point doesn't align. Simply adjust the triangular part on your bike to match the station's height.

Fifthly, be aware of your plan's 'time limit' and potential extra fees. Regardless of your plan, exceeding the time limit results in per-minute charges. More information about plans is available in detail in part 2 of the Citibike video series.

Sixth, inspect your bike's condition and make necessary seat adjustments before unlocking it. Since the clock starts ticking when you unlock the bike, being prepared can help make the most of your time, especially considering potential unlocking fees depending on your plan.

Seventh, some plans include free guest passes, allowing you to unlock bikes for friends. Remember, all charges will be applied to your account in case of any incidents.

Eighth, check the promotional membership webpage for offers that aren't on the main site. I'll provide the link in the description.

Ninth, if you're almost out of time and you reach a full station with no empty docks, you can get a 15-minute 'time credit' by using the touchscreen at the full station.

Tenth, ensure your bike is correctly locked upon return. You can double-check via the Citibike app. Correctly locked bikes prompt the "share your experience" screen, while incorrect returns or bikes taken by others under your "account" will lead to additional charges or fines.

Eleventh, when using Citibikes, it's important to be aware of the Citibikes’ migration patterns. What does that mean? Well, each Citibike station exhibits a specific trend in bike availability throughout the day. This information is crucial for your convenience and can make the difference between finding a Citibike or an empty dock when you need one. For instance, the station near your home might have limited bikes available from 7 am to 8 am, while another station could be almost full around 9 am. These Citibike migration patterns play a significant role in your biking experience, as they determine whether you'll find a Citibike ready to go or an available dock when you reach your destination.

Lastly, and most importantly, never and I mean NEVER leave your bike unattended. Leaving bikes in public places can result in fines of up to $1,200 if the bike is lost or stolen. I've noticed people leaving their Citibikes unlocked and unattended outside stores, like Target. Please, do NOT do that. Even locked bikes got stolen in the city. You think it's okay to leave your Citibike outside like that?

I hope you found the information from my Citibike video series useful. Please consider subscribing and share my videos with your friends. I wish you a fantastic day! Goodbye.

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